Menü Schließen

About me

I was born in 1963 and grew up in Bremen. After my Abitur and civilian service in a social institution, I began studying human medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich in 1985. There I passed the state examination in 1991.

As a physician, I first started in pediatrics and then switched to anesthesiology and intensive care medicine. My doctorate (1997) was followed by the recognition as a specialist in anesthesiology in 1999. As a senior physician I worked in the Canary Islands and in London. In order to expand my scope of practice, I trained as a general practitioner from 2008-2011 and was also recognized as a specialist here in 2011. In the time that followed, I became increasingly interested in preventive medicine as a partner in a group practice. This was followed by further training as a nutritional physician.

Since 2018, I now work freelance and today I mainly try to attract people to a mindful and healthy lifestyle. Among other things, I worked as a team doctor for five years (2018-2022) on the TV production “Life made easy – The Biggest Loser” and helped overweight people find their way to a healthy lifestyle through dietary changes, sports and mental training. My own diet is predominantly vegetarian, with some vegan options.

I am married to a doctor, have two daughters and live in Munich. In my free time I do various (mountain) sports and am a passionate marathon runner. In 2019, I finished my first IRONMAN as a triathlete in Hamburg. The second one followed in 2023 in Klagenfurt, Austria, the third in Thun, Switzerland in 2024. tbc…

Since 2023, I also work as a preventive physician in a private clinic at Tegernsee (Marienstein Privatklinik).

And in between just strengthen the resilience by…. Ice bathing